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Obama 2009
Barack Obama ist seit dem 20. Januar 2009 der 44. Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten. Der Fotograf vom White House Pete Souza hat in diesem Jahr Momente eingefangen und in einer Bilderstrecke veröffentlicht. iley zeigt Ausschnitte.
Quelle: whitehouse.gov

Von iley Redaktion (16.11.2010)

Jan. 16, 2010 "President Obama had called on the two former Presidents to help with the situation in Haiti. During their public remarks in the Rose Garden, President Clinton had said about President Bush, 'I have already figured out how I can get him to do some things that he didn't sign on for.' Later, back in the Oval, President Bush is jokingly asking President Clinton what were those things he had in mind."

Feb. 10, 2009 "The President meets with the Democratic Blue Dog coalition in the State Dining Room. I had noticed the glasses of cranberry and orange juice sitting on a table in the doorway of the Red Room, so I backtracked to compose this picture from inside the Red Room."

April 23, 2009 "The President throws a football to one of his aides before a meeting in the Oval Office."

July 8, 2009 "This was a great scene just before dinner at the G-8 Summit in L'Aquila, Italy. As the leaders arrived, they spontaneously moved to a small patio outside. Several different conversations were taking place. Finally as dusk settled in, Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, at far right, motioned for everyone to move inside for the dinner."

Aug. 5, 2009 "I was sitting in the reception area outside the Oval Office when Sasha walked by and headed to the Oval. I suspected something was up, so I followed her. Sasha then crawled into the office, hiding behind the sofa, and when she reached the far end, jumped up and yelled trying spook her dad."

Oct. 14, 2009 "The President appears in deep thought as he and senior advisor David Axelrod listen during a climate change meeting in the Roosevelt Room of the White House. A moment later, he was laughing at a humorous exchange."

Nov. 14, 2009 "We were on Air Force One heading to the Summit of the Americas in Singapore. Since the 1990's, the host country for this Summit chooses a shirt that all heads of state wear to the formal ceremony. White House press secretary Robert Gibbs was showing the President pictures of past leaders wearing 'shall we say' not the most dignified of shirts. At the Summit, the President joked that he looked forward to hosting the 2011 Summit in Hawaii, where everyone would have to wear Hawaii shirts and grass skirts."

Dec. 1, 2009 "The President delivers remarks on Afghanistan before cadets at West Point."

Dec. 6, 2009 "Having seen more than 25 Bruce Springsteen concerts since 1978 and having seen just about every movie Robert DeNiro has ever made, it was a great thrill to be in their presence as the President greeted them before the Kennedy Center Honors at the White House."

Dec. 18, 2009 "The President briefs European leaders following a multilateral meeting in which an agreement was tentatively reached at the United Nationals Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen, Denmark. Most conferences like this are very scripted; this one was just the opposite."

Dec. 29, 2009 "I thought this was an interesting juxtaposition between his role as a father, and his role as Commander in Chief. On vacation in Hawaii, here he is hugging his daughter Malia while NSC chief of staff Denis McDonough waits to connect him on the latest conference call following the attempted Christmas Day terrorist attack."

Jan. 6, 2010 "While waiting to be introduced for an event in the East Room of the White House, the President looks out a window in the Green Room towards a view of the Washington Monument and Jefferson Memorial."


Obama 2009
Obama 2009

New York City 2005
New York City 2005

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